We provide R&D, Manufacturing, and Quality Consulting Resources 


Bay Point Product Development provides dedicated research and development (R&D) resources focused on creating effective, evidence based, FDA compliant products. Our consultants help companies or individuals across all the stages of the product R&D process, allowing them to reach critical product “go / no-go” decisions faster.


Innovation hinges on manufacturability. Even the most compelling concepts remain unrealized without a viable production process. Bay Point Product Development provides resources with extensive, hands-on manufacturing experience. We are ready to assist with everything from facilitating design transfer, to remediating existing non-compliant manufacturing processes. 


The critical role of integrating core quality engineering principles into the entire product lifecycle has been historically underemphasized in the R&D field, leading to potentials safety hazards, production disruptions, and cost overruns. Consultants at Bay Point Product Development can assist in clearly mapping key product metrics from user inputs to design outputs, ensuring the product design and manufacturing process combine to create an end result suitable for both the user, patient and FDA.